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About Island Sweetheart


Island Sweetheart is an aspiring writer of many different genres ranging from Fan Fiction to her own original works like poems, stories and much more,


Island Sweetheart got her start writing Fan Fiction for Fanfiction.Net, whom she believes is a great assest for writers in general and is an advocate for them.  Her first works were just the beginning for her such as The Princess of Love and The Firey Maiden.  These first stories were her stepping stones to a more mature style of writing that she is still constantly improving with each completed work.


Island Sweetheart's Quote on Love:


Love is the most fearsome, dangerous and heartbreaking matter in the world which is why I believe it is a necessity to live it so you can get to the good part.  Writing is another way to express how love is so complicated – even if the characters aren’t real, the subject of love is.


Personal Life


Island Sweetheart is a young woman with ambitious goals in her life which she plans to achieve.  She is proud of the fact that her name symbolizes her background as a native Polynesian and a proud, young independent woman with a big heart,




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